Monday 6 May 2013

Tips for Oily/ Acne Skin

Tip #1
Make sure to regularly change your pillow case, this goes for everyone obviously but even more so for anyone who has issues with pimples/acne and oily skin, the bacteria will just be accumulating on your pillow and will be back on your skin every night, GROSS!

Tip #2
Don't touch your face!! I do this myself sometimes but touching your pimples and your face a lot spreads the pimple bacteria and also spreads the germs from your hands to your face YUCK!!

Tip #3
Start using a natural toner either specifically for oily skin or a better toner is a home made apple cider vinegar toner, diluting it with water for more sensitive skin (there are dilution ratios that you follow for different skin types I will try to find that website), but apple cider vinegar has a lot of benefits such as helping pimples, helping the pH levels of the skin etc. Apple cider vinegar does a lot of good for the skin so if you are suffering from pimples/acne and oily skin I would strongly suggest trying this as one of the first things you do.

Tip #4
For oily and more so acne skin, find cleansers or face cleansing bar soaps that contain tea tree and other naturally antibacterial ingredients. An example is Nubian Heritage, Lemongrass & Tea Tree Soap, With Orange Peel as it contains tea tree, lemon grass, orange oil and coconut oil which are all naturally contain antibacterial properties.

Tip #5
Using a cotton pad and then squeezing some lemon juice onto it and rubbing all over your face will help the pimples and oiliness because of it being antibacterial and is a natural astringent (closes pores). First test this on a small part of your skin too make sure it isn't too harsh (because lemon is very, very harsh) or dilute it with water if it is. You can let it sit on the skin for a few minutes as long as it isn't hurting then wash it off. If you have open pimples I would stick to honey on those until then heal a little otherwise it will sting like hell.  Even using this as a natural toner to close your pores and help with oiliness and pimples is good too, then just splash some cold water on your face. Use this maybe 1-2 a week as a treatment. If you use it as a toner, don't use too much lemon and make sure to dilute it with water, as using lemon everyday may be too harsh so diluting with water is a MUST!!!

Tip #6
Stick to more powder based make-up as liquid make-up is 1) more likely to clog pores and cause pimples or even worsen them 2) powder will help with "soaking" up some of the oils being produced 3) less make-up is better so instead of liquid foundation then setting it with powder which is heavy for the skin using just powder is being nicer to your skin and of course you should try to keep it mostly to natural ingredient make-up.

Tip #7
HONEY!!! Using honey as either a mask or a "spot treatment" or even as a cleanser, why? as most people would know honey is antibacterial and I have noticed it would help heal my  pimples quicker. Some people use it as a cleanser, so you would just rub it all over you face let it sit for maybe 5 minutes (there are different ways you can do this) then wash it off with warm water. A mask you simply put it all over your face or even just your problem areas and let it sit for as long as you want, in my opinion the longer the better same as when you would use it as a spot treatment, the longer the better and it works great if you continue to use it, don't just do it once.

Tip #8
Don't do your whole skincare ritual right before bed, this is for everyone the reasons 1) you skincare products will not have settled into the skin yet and will still be on the surface so a lot of that will then go onto your pillow which your skin is then missing out on the full benefits of the products and it's a waste because of product too 2) skincare products will be collecting in your pillow case more so which will then have more bacteria, yuck! So try doing it a few hours before bed.

Tip #9
Diet, what you put into your body is more than likely going to reflect to your outside so trying eating cleaner (more vegetables and fruit), drink more water, try green juices, cut down on dairy and very importantly cut down on greasy fried food even cut that out all together.

Tip #10
Personally I do not have oily skin but even if you do, I don't think you should cut out moisturising, I think either go for a natural oil-free moisturiser aimed at oily skin for during the day especially if you wear make-up and at night put a LITTLE bit of jojoba oil on the skin, I know oils are a scary thing  if you have oily skin but not only is jojoba oil great for your skin in general but it is an oil which is closest to the oil our skin naturally produces, which is sebum, so it should not cause any breakouts. I've also read that because of jojoba oil being so similar to sebum it tricks the skin into not producing any more oil, I am not sure if this is true but I did read it so I think it's worth giving it a go.

Tip #11
Beware of your hair products, especially if you aren't using natural products they could be contributing to pimples how? whether they are covering you pillow and then sinking into your skin as you sleep at night or it might be you hair touching your face, maybe you have bangs and realise you are having a lot of skin issues on your forehead, it's definitely something to be aware of and look more into it.

Tip #12 
Please use natural skincare products, ingredients in "normal" cleanser not only aren't good but they might be contributing to your oily/acne skin, while you're thinking it's helping, just keep that in mind.

Remember anything that is natural is more likely to take longer to work so you should really persevere with it for a while to give it a chance to work :)

If anyone decides to give any of these natural tips a go, please let me know your results :D

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