Thursday 23 May 2013

iherb haul #3

I did another order because there were a few thing I really wanted to try but with the Australian dollar being not as good as it usually is I thought just in case I would put another order in.

This is a small haul because I have left out all the food products I bought cause I wasn't sure if that was interesting to anyone, plus they were mainly all gluten free. So instead I am just including the non-food products :)

I do realise I have been doing a LOT of hauls (remember my username is shopaholic555 for a reason lol) but after this one there is only a vitacost order coming soon that I will be doing a haul with and then I will take a break from them (hauls) because I am sure that they might be a bit boring for you all. Anyway on with the haul :)

In my recent iherb order I bought a mineral fusion top coat, I have used it and wowzers it has a strong, strong smell I got this one hoping that it will have a lighter smell because this one is water-based.

 For my mum I got this, she always has aches and pains so I thought I would get her this, hopefully it helps.

I've been using my Moogoo milk wash (I think that's what it's called) to cleanse my face with my clarisonic, so far I think something is missing, my skin isn't as soft as I was hoping it would be and I am thinking a cream cleanser is a better option for me, even though the moogoo is gentle and kind to the skin, I feel my skin needs more moisture from a cleanser which is why cream cleansers are my favourite and I've heard good things about Acure Organics so I am hoping this will help improve my skin.


I thought I would give this a go since I am using the matching cleanser, plus I like how this for night and day plus my skin is so sensitive and I just prefer my moisturisers to be unscented since I get headaches so easily when I don't like a smell. It's very small but I am hoping it will have great results!! and hopefully I wont have to use too much product.


This is for me and my mum to share, I have these lines underneath my eyes, they're not super bad or anything but I would like to decrease them a bit and reduce the likelihood of them worsening. I am a big believer in moisturising around the eye area at any age (I'm 20) whether it's with a moisturiser, gel or an oil I think it's a necessity that is overlooked. 

So, so, so excited to use this!! This is one of the products I was referring to in my latest post, I am going to experiment with this to whiten my teeth as I have done some research and found out that some people use it to whiten their teeth and get results right away! I really, really, really hope this works!! I will make sure to do a blog post on this!

I actually think these are nicer than the pair I bought in my iherb order before this. They look really beautiful, I like that they're dramatic and a little wispy so I got these for a wedding I am going to later on this year.

My favourite bath sponge/ loofah, so cheap! Only thing is I think they have changed what the holder string thing is made of which sucks because one of mine broke so I can't hang it in my shower any more :( I hadn't even had it for long.

I am running very low on these so I bought another packet since I probably wont buy form iherb for a little while. These are my favourite cotton balls.

I use to have a pair of these exfoliating gloves but they were pretty cheap (in quality) plus they ripped a little and were too harsh, I think I had gotten them from Kmart, anyway I had to throw them out and because of my skin being so flakey I thought I would see if this brand is any better. 

For anyone's first purchase at you can use my referral code QUM327 to receive $5 off  an order under $40 and $10 off an order over $40.
If you use my code I do receive a small commission percentage of your orders placed.


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