Thursday 23 May 2013

10 Beauty Skin Tips

1) After plucky your eyebrows, go over the brow area (where you plucked)  with toner, WHY? to close the pores because after plunking the hair out, the pore is open and dirt and bacteria will get into that pore more easily.

2) Exfoliating; so, so, so important! With me my skin is very dry and needs a lot of exfoliation, personally I find a lot of exfoliating scrubs either don't do enough for me or they are too harsh, another alternative to buying those scrubs is using a face washer/ small towel. Wet the towel, get rid of the excess water and gently scrub your face in circular motions, you can do this lightly daily or every few days. So no need to buy a scrub, of course if the dead skin cells are still not all coming off (like with my skin) then other methods should be used too but for most skin types this will be enough. Of course make sure to moisturise after!!

3) Natural oils, I have so many I've lost count they are amazing for your skin, an easy way to use them is putting a few drops in your moisturiser everyday, 2-4 drops is more than enough in your moisturiser depending on your skin type. Another great use for oils is to use around your nails to soften the skin (helps avoid painful peeled skin pieces around the nail) and help soften the cuticles and keep the nail area to be more healthy. 

4)  Put lip balm on always before bed, your lips will be so smooth in the morning, really lather it on.  Tip: to help repair your lips from any bad condition, mix 1 NATURAL vitamin e capsule with some unrefined coconut oil and apply it every night and then apply a natural lip balm during the day.

5) Use a shower cap to let hair conditioner soak into the hair more and do a better job at softening the hair. The heat will help to soften and more deeply conditioner the hair.

6) Use coconut oil and shea butter for smoother underarms. Especially if you are a frequent shaver, it really damages the underarms and coconut oil offers so many benefits for the skin, one being it will help the skin heal from shaving, two it is antibacterial plus a lot more benefits and shea butter will help keep the moisture and soften the razor bumps as well as other benefits too. 

7) Yellowing nails? Rub a little bit of lemon on your nails, or even soaking them in some lemon juice, if that's too strong dilute it with some water and continue to use it until you see results.  WARNING: If you have split skin or cuts around your nails don't use the lemon until cuts are healed otherwise it will burn!!!!!

8) Use natural oils for moisturising around the eye area instead of thick creams. Using a little bit of oil such as jojoba, coconut, almond or rosehip oil  for example is a great way to moisturise the whole area around the eye without the heaviness an eye cream gives. Heavy eye creams can cause milia and white heads, so to give your skin a break at night time instead of using the same eye cream you use during the day, use a little bit of oil. Of course you can use it during the day as long as you aren't wearing make-up.

9) Use shea butter as a moisture sealer, for example after applying some jojoba oil around the eye area, to make sure that moisture is sealed apply a very small dab of shea butter over the area.

10) When you are cleansing you should always let the cleanser sit on the skin for a while to let all the ingredients soak in and do their job, whether it's to hydrate the skin or help clear acne whatever the cleansers purpose is, it needs more time than a minute on the skin. You should always make sure to really massage the cleanser into the skin, really work the cleanser into the skin then let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Cleansers staying on the face for 1-2 minutes will not be giving the skin the full benefits. Even if you leave it for 5 minutes in the morning and go for the 10 minute mark at nigh time and then massaging it for a few minutes which stimulates blood flow which is also good for the skin too. 
This is a pretty standard tip in my opinion but I know a lot of people don't think about cleansing like this or they just don't do it this way, but you really should give it a go.

Please comment if you try any of these tips and tell me if they have helped in any way :)


  1. Great tips!! Especially the one about oil cleansing. I'm thinking of buying an oil cleanser when my current cleanser runs out, to help clear my acne, and this tip is very useful! :D
    Also, what cleanser would you recommend for teenage/acne prone/oily skin? I was thinking of trying the MooGoo Oil Cleanser but I'm not too sure. (:

    1. That's great! I'm glad you enjoyed the post :D
      I have heard good things about the oil cleansing method, I would say definitely give the moogoo oil cleanser a go, I looked at the ingredients list for you and I think they would help nicely with oily skin plus you don't have to use a toner with it. I think winter is the perfect time to try out the oil cleansing method, just keep in mind some people when they are using the oil cleansing method in hot weather, some peoples pores get congested (very bumpy) but right now with winter coming up that shouldn't be a problem, only if you continue with it during the hotter seasons it can happen so keep an eye out for it.
      I actually am going to try a new cleanser aimed at acne skin on those certain areas of my face that have breakouts, I will make sure to do a review either way, but for now I think the moogoo oil cleanser is something you should give a go!! :)

    2. Thanks so much for the advice! I think I'll definitely try it now!! :D
      Looking forward to the review of the new cleanser you're going to try!

    3. No problem beauty babe :D Let me know how the cleanser works out for you :)

    4. I bought the Moogoo Oil Cleanser for Oily skin a few days ago and I'm loving it! My skin feels sososo nice after using it and I'm seeing a difference already! Thanks so much for the recommendation, I can't wait for the long-term results! :D x

    5. No problem!! That sounds awesome!!! I'm so glad you're already seeing results :) I might have to give the dry skin version a try :D
