Sunday 26 May 2013

10 Make-Up Tips

Tip # 1

To make your lips look bigger and more "pouty" highlighting above your cupids bow can transform your lips into looking more fuller than what they actually are, either using a stark white colour or an off white colour then blending it so that it is subtle enough for it not to look like a patch of flour on your face but a soft light be shone on that area. Personally I prefer matte shades. After highlighting the cupid's bow, I then highlight underneath by bottom lip in the middle and blend that out, your lips will look the best. If you want to take it to another step after this you can put some shiny or slightly shimmery gloss in just the middle of your lips, it should look to crazy, subtle but a noticeable difference.

Tip # 2 

When you are wearing a darker lipstick, whether that is a red or berry or whatever else, the best option is to first use a lip liner to outline the shape of your lips to ensure a perfect and precise lip shape rather than a messy/ rough application and sometimes to make sure you lipstick lasts longer you can put the lip liner all over your lips. If you don't have a lip liner, no big deal. Get a precise brush, maybe an angled eyeliner brush or a small concealer brush with precise angles, dip it into your lipstick so you can line your lip shape then apply the rest of your lip colour with either the lipstick tube or that precise brush. After that get a tissue, blot the excess lipstick from lips onto the tissue and then apply the lipstick again and repeat the blotting step and then again. This wont look cakey because you are getting rid of the excess and using the lipstick almost as a stain underneath the last layer of lipstick, hopefully that makes sense. 

Tip # 3

Everybody's eye shape is different so when you are trying to recreate a look from youtube or a celebrity look you should use the look as a rough guideline rather than a stencil because sometimes the exact recreation of a make-up look on yourself will not look the same or even suit you, so whenever you are recreating a look or  are even just doing your make-up in general always keep checking how your make-up looks with your eyes open. 
Even before you properly start doing your make-up, softly do an outline of the shape you want your make-up to be in while your eyes are open so that you can follow that guideline, use like a pale colour that you can see or the colour you will be using. Knowing the shape that suits your eyes is different for everyone, because everyones eye shape is different so it does take some practice but that's ok, when you do that outline you will avoid getting carried away this is more a  beginners tip. It's for when you are getting use to your eye shape and what make-up styles and where you place you eyeshadow look good on you, to compliment your eye shape.

Tip #4

Lip liners are wonderful for making your lips appear bigger and fuller, you aren't using a lip liner right if you can actually see an obvious line around your lips and then a different lip colour shade, that's a BIG no, no. The lip liner should be the same colour as whatever you'll be wearing on your lips whether that is a lipstick, tinted lip balm or matching it to you natural lip colour if you just want to wear a lip balm. You either go on the lip liner or ever so slightly above the lip line and if there are any visible lines you BLEND it out, it should be natural looking and it will totally transform your lips. 
Just make sure when you line your lips use soft small strokes rather than just tracing around your lip line in one stroke. 

Tip #5

When you are doing a make-up look, you should always apply the colours softly and make sure you blend as you go, for 2 reasons 1; it's easier to add more colour later rather than take off colour which can wreck the make-up you have already applied and 2; blending as you go is so important, you don't leave it to the end because it will be harder to get a nice seamless look. 
It will take more time and effort if you leave blending until the end of the look. Remember the difference between professional looking make-up and amateur looking make-up is the blending, if you are blending everything out nicely and have a nice gradient effect you will have a professional look, if your make-up is basically just placing eyeshadow on the lid and not blending or minimal blending,  honestly it's going to look silly. 

Tip # 6

Light colours bring features OUT and dark colours bring features IN!!

 This is one of the most important tips to remember when you are doing make-up, whole face make-up not just eyes or face. 
An example; someone who has very close set eyes has to make sure not to bring dark colours in too much because this will further bring the eyes in even closer, instead you make sure to put lighter colours in the corner of the eyes to create  the  illusion of separation. 

Another example; if you have deep set eyes (like myself) you have to be very careful with dark colours on your lid, so if I was doing a really dark smokey eye on myself and decided "you know what I just want a one colour smokey eye" if I were to place just a dark colour on my eye lid and blend it a little I would look beyond ridiculous, I would have to make sure I bring the colour up above the eyelid to that meaty part of your eye (above the socket line would be an easier way to describe it lol) to even out the look, anyway the rule with deep set eyes is to keep lighter colours on the lid to bring them out.

Another example; the reason why we highlight the top of our cheek bones is to create the effect that you have these stunning cheek bones that are protruding out.

Tip #7

If you have very small eyes, this tip is connected to tip #6, you should avoid putting dark colours on your waterline, instead either whites, off whites and creamy flesh toned colours will open up the eyes and give the illusion of bigger eyes. To take it to the next level either getting a medium brown, dark brown or even black eyeshadow or eyeliner and blending it on your lower lash line will help make your eyes look even bigger, either going 3/4 of the way or the whole way depending on how that looks with your eye shape and blending it to look more natural. If you are very pale and are going for a natural look you are best to start out with a medium brown eyeshdaow/pencil because the look can be a bit much. And after this curl your lashes and put on mascara.

NOTE: Flesh coloured pencil on the water line looks much more subtle and natural than a stark white.

Tip # 8

Droopy eyes or "sad eyes" are when your eye shape is pointing/ going downwards (like my sister), and when I do my sisters make-up it's really important that I don't put eyeshadow or eye liner or the lower lash line, or if I do I just put a little on the outer edge and make sure that I do it on an angle so that it's bringing the eye up. It makes such a difference, once I experimented putting eyeshadow across the whole length of her lash line and it just bought her eyes down, when I left it alone and just put mascara her eyes looked much better! I also made sure that the colour I put on that outer edge was subtle too. 

Tip # 9

CURL YOUR LASHES!!!!! This is a pretty standard tip but not everyone does it but it is so, so, so important for all eye shapes (especially small eyes) and anyone who wears mascara. Curling your lashes just opens up your eyes instantly like nothing else. If you don't curl your lashes before mascara it can in my opinion really let down a look, if your lashes are droopy then it brings down your eyes. Curling your lashes even makes more matures eyes look younger because it's like an instant painless (as long as you are curling your eyelashes right) eye lift. I love curling my eyelashes so much I even do it when I'm not wearing make-up because I look more awake more fresh, just better!! 
It's hard at the start, I mean when I first started curling my lashes I SUCKED at it but I practised so much that I got much better at it and I rock at it now as long as I have a mirror lol. 

Tip # 10

If your neck is lighter than your foundation on your face please, please bring it onto the neck. It is a horrible look when there is a visible foundation line across the jaw, even if you are lucky enough to be all one colour  which is more rare since it's harder for the sun to hit under your chin, still blend the foundation OVER the jaw line. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen this, and it doesn't look good. Of course it's hard to get it to look perfect but blending it down the neck will just help the difference look subtle rather than very obvious when you can see a visible line, it looks very fake and I hate to say it but cake facey.

If anyone would be interested I might add some pictures to some of these tips to show everyone what I mean to get a better understanding of the tips I have outlined.

Anyway let me know if you like these tips and if you haven't already, give 'em a go :)

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