Thursday 4 July 2013

Burt's Bees Winter Grab Bag Haul/ First Impressions

So first thing I have to say is in my opinion Burt's Bees does not have a perfect ingredients list (phenoxyethanol being one that springs to mind), usually I would buy a different brand with "cleaner" ingredients but I did decide to buy this because I was kind of curious with what was in it and I was really happy with the price. The usual prices of Burt's Bees products in all honesty is ridiculously expensive, I think the prices they charge for ALL there products are absolutely a rip off, I would hate to see the price of there products if there were completely organic.

Anyway so I was in a bit of a sad mood on Friday when I saw I got an email from Burt's Bees, I don't always look at the emails I've signed up to cause they have this exciting title then I open the email and it is underwhelming. Anyway I opened the email saw the price $39.95 for 7 products that would usually are valued at $126.95, usually when I see these kind of "goody bags" from companies the contents really let me down but this time the content wasn't like amazingly exciting or anything but I think it was good and there were some things I needed or would like to try.
 So with me being in a bit of a crummy mood then seeing such a  good saving which appealed to my shopaholic and bargain buying tendencies- I caved and bought it. To be honest I don't know if I would have gotten that email another day if I would have bought it, hmmm maybe I would have actually, don't know anyway I did buy it.

Of course I had to pay for shipping which was $6.90, shipping prices in Australia really confuse me because they are so expensive here, it's ridiculous- but anyway I thought it could have been worse. Free shipping is available if you spend over $75 so I had a quick look at the products on there and prices were just too much  that it wasn't worth it for me.

 On the email they sent to me it says shipping will take 3-12 business days but I could have sworn it said 2-3 when I had just finished putting the order in, I could be wrong though. I got it Wednesday July 3rd and ordered it Friday June 28th.

The email did say that limited  Grab Bags are available which is another ploy to get people to hurry up and buy which I did lol. Something I love about Burt's bees is that they tell you how much of each product is natural which I appreciate.

Contents of the Grab Bag: 

Product Breakdown 

The website says 98.8% natural but the packaging says 100% natural, so I am choosing to believe the packaging. I am curious about it being a cream cleanser that deep cleans tough. I will use it see how it goes, do a review if I don't like it I will probably sell it during my blog sale.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: I used this once and it has a very creamy texture, strange smell; I can't really describe it. Anyway so I am really working into my skin and suddenly my skin feels like a burning, tingling , cooling sensation going on- first I'm thinking "crap am I allergic to this!" then I thought maybe there is peppermint or something in the ingredients. I inspected the ingredients and half way down there is Menthol  in it which explains things perfectly. After I washed it off I still had cooling weird feeling but about 2-3 minutes it was gone and my skin wasn't irritated so I think that is just the effects of the menthol. Although it's a cream texture I wouldn't say it is moisturising, but from what I noticed it isn't drying. I will do a review in the future.

UPDATE:  I found out the fragrance is natural after emailing burt's bees.
Coconut Foot Cream 123g (99.51% Natural)   RRP $24.95 AUD

I love, love coconut and the smell is yummy :) My skin is pretty dry including my feet and to be honest lately I haven't been tending to the moisturisation needs of my feet but that is about to change and I hope this will be a nice thick moisturising cream. Only issue that I have with this is on the ingredients list it says fragrance and does not specify whether it is natural or not, same with the soap bark cleanser, all the other products specify so I will be emailing burt's bees about it and update this post.

 If it is an unnatural fragrance that is certainly not ok with me since there can be a whole concoction of chemicals in just that "fragrance" ingredient. Hopefully it is natural but I will email.

 UPDATE:   I found out the fragrance is NOT natural after emailing burt's bees. Very disappointed!!!!!

Ultimate Hand Care Cream 90g (99% Natural)  RRP $24.95 AUD

I love that this says it's for EXTREMELY DRY HANDS, extremely being the operative word, as some of you may have read I have kind of dermatitis condition on my hands and they are beyond dry. My madre labs cream and aloe vera was working wonders for me until Winter hit, with this unbelievably cold weather my hands have been unsavable. Nothing has been helping enough , besides being as rough as sandpaper they have also been cracking and bleeding which hurts so I hope this cream helps!

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: This has a nice smell, it's like a fresh kind of smell with other things I can't really explain.
 Hmmmmm...........I've been using it every night for a few days and I'm not about it being for EXTREMELY DRY hands, I will see how it goes.

Who doesn't need moisturiser? I don't have much natural body moisturisers so I thought this would be a good opportunity to add this to regime, give it a go (I usually use coconut oil when I moisturise too). Plus with winter and all this horrible cold air, my skin needs some extra TLC. I find it rare to see a natural moisturiser that says it will last 24 hours and that's what this moisturiser claims to do, so that is intriguing to me. I will also do a review on it eventually :)

Pictured; Burt's Bees White Tea Facial Cleaning Towelettes 

White Tea Facial Cleansing Towelettes 30 pack (99.1% Natural)  RRP $9.95 AUD

On the website it doesn't say what skin type it is recommended for so I hope they aren't drying, a reviewer did say she thought it would be good for sensitive skin so I hope that's true. I don't use cleansing wipes often because I don't find that I need them, but they are handy if you want to clean your face but can't be bothered cleansing. I got this more to review because I do know a lot of people love using make-up wipes.

Pictured: Burt's Bees "Tiger Lily" Tinted lip balm, Burt' Bees beeswax lip balms and 3 samples

According to the Burt's bees website the tinted lip balms have added more colours to the collection and changed a few of the original names so I am unsure if this colour is still available under a different name or if they've just gotten rid of it.

EDIT: The burt's bees tinted lip balm in "tiger lily" has been deleted from the range of colours they sell. It has not been renamed but completely deleted. 

Out of all the Burt's Bees lip balms I have tried this is my favourite, I love the mint flavour cooling but doesn't burn. It's a thicker consistency and I think a great everyday lip balm, normally quite pricey but I suggest waiting for a special. In my opinion this is the best Burt's bee lip balm, at least out of the ones I have tried which include the honey, acai, kokum butter, mango butter and pomegranate flavours.


Plus I got 3 very small samples, I do wish instead of giving me a sample size of the  Naturally Nourishing  Milk & Honey Body Lotion which was in the grab bag already the would put something else in but doesn't matter. I gave all the samples to my sister and she was pretty happy about it so it doesn't matter lol. 

Bottom Line (My Thoughts)

If you love burt's bees then this is a good deal money wise, but only if the products interest you. If you are trying to ease yourself into natural products I do  think this is a good pack to have to start out with, money wise it is very cheap compared to the original prices and the products I think would be easily used by anyone, the products aren't too aimed to a certain skin type so I think most people will be able to use them.

If you would like to buy your own the special is still on and you can view and buy the Burt's Bees Grab Bag here (the link will take you to the burt's bees website and the page the grab bag is on, this isn't a personal link or anything like that).

I will update this post with more first impressions in the upcoming days :)

I hope you have enjoyed reading this post :)


  1. I've never tried any Burts Bee's products except for a lip balm but it wasnt that memorable, seeing as I cant really remeber the exact product. I do agree that their products do seem overpriced and their products havent ever drawn me in. But this is a great bargain and worth it seeingas you do get quite a few products

    1. Thanks for your comment :)

      I agree, the only product that is a stand out for me besides the beeswax lip balm is the tinted lip balm in honey suckle, I absolutely love it but again overpriced.

  2. I love Burt's bees products - especially the milk and honey body lotion xx
