Thursday 18 July 2013

A Rant About Beauty Advertisements

So this is going to be a rant to express my frustration with beauty companies, this actually has nothing to do with whether a product is natural or unnatural but the ridiculous FALSE advertising companies use to display and sell their products to consumers. 

I am at  the point where I don't even want to buy any kind of beauty product that is being falsely advertised, when I say falsely advertised I mean the ridiculous commercials of beauty brands exaggerating there product not only verbally but more annoyingly visually. I actually get upset when I see those ridiculous mascara commercial where everyone can clearly see that the lashes have been digitally altered or should I say "dramatisation" has been used, as the the companies like to call it. They clearly are fake, they look like they came from a cartoon character, so what I don't understand is I'm sure no one is naive enough to believe that they are the real effects from the mascara, I'm sure that cat is out of the bag so why do beauty companies in general still feel the need to digitally alter advertisements? That show me that they do not believe in the actual products capabilities and that's why they have to do that, which is crazy and so frustrating to me because I feel as though that is false advertising, I know they have there little disclaimer in small writing at the bottom of the page or screen but I don't care, it is still false advertising in my eyes.

Beauty companies in general kind of get a free pass to claim and say whatever they want, whether it's the digital altering of videos and images, claims of their products doing all these amazing things or even calling themselves natural when they're not.

This is definitely not just mascara ads, although I think they are probably the worst culprits, but hair product adds, skincare, all make-up product ads are all so airbrushed and fake to the point where they don't look like real people, almost like gorgeous barbie dolls. The tricks that these beauty companies use to sell their products, I find sneaky and dishonest,  there is a new skincare commercial with a famous celebrity endorsing the product (surprise, surprise ), I don't know what they have done whether it is lighting tricks or if the commercial has been digitally altered but they have erased most of this woman's wrinkles and imperfections- not even imperfections just the way skin looks, this woman is gorgeous and really doesn't need it so what does that say? 

I think these companies are setting up not only false hope for their products but also a beauty that cannot be achieved in the real world. I'm not saying that they should display everyone's flaws or not put make-up on the models/ celebrities in the commercials or not have their little lighting tricks or whatever but I still want these women to look real- not like dolls which are beautiful but are just setting up a false reality for young girls who are actually trying to live up to it or think that it's real when it's not. 

I don't know maybe I am just being too sensitive but I am just absolutely sick of ads which are just so blatantly obvious about how fake they are (cough cough MASCARA ADS!!!!!) Or just all beauty ads being so over dramatised and just ridiculous to the point where I just feel like we are being manipulated into buying these products that give barely anything of what they have promised let alone what they have shown in their advertisements. 

I know this was very ranty post and I guess a pointless post but I just felt like vocalising my opinions as this topic really gets to me, let me know what you think, do you agree? Am I being to sensitive and this is just the way of the beauty world? Do you think it is right?


  1. Not pointless at all!! I completely agree and I actually get quite a kick out of naming and shaming the products that claim and don't deliver. I also agree that it's false advertising even when they have a micro print disclaimer. These companies should be ashamed of themselves!

    I think the best thing about having this awareness and being beauty bloggers is the fact that we can point out that companies are making these outlandish claims and clearly point out which ones don't make your lashes look the way the advertisements claim or won't give you that airbrushed look.

    1. Thanks Hailey for your comment :) I'm glad you agree with me, and I agree one of the best things about having a blog is being able to name and shame all the companies that do this, as well as give the truth which is something beauty companies don't do.
      I was going to name all the companies but there are so many I didn't know where I would start!!!!!
