Saturday 19 January 2013

Naturally Remove Make-up with Oil??

At first I was always using just cleansers, which meant multiple washes and wasting a lot of cleanser or using make-up removing wipes, which took so long to remove my make-up and I still had a lot of make-up residue coming off my skin, it was never ending.

Olive oil is my favourite thing to remove my make-up with it is by far the easiest, cheapest, fastest and most natural way to remove make-up.

Step 1) First thing I do is get a cotton circle/ square or a cotton ball wet it then put a generous amount of olive oil on the cotton circle and massage it all over your face to loosen and start removing the make-up.

Step 2) Either flip over the cotton circle (or get a new one and wet it) to remove more of make-up that the olive oil has loosened.

Step 3) Then I get a generous amount of olive oil and massage it all over my face to loosen the rest of the make-up  I let that sit for a few minutes after I've massaged it for a bit.

Step 4)  I then get another cotton square, wet it and remove the rest of make-up then I either then wash my face with water, tone then moisturise or  use a little of cleanser to remove the oil residue (recommended to do in the summer especially) then tone and moisturise.

 I use this to remove all make-up including liquid foundation, eye make-up ... whatever the make-up is BUT be careful not to use too much around the eyes cause you don't want to get oil in your eyes. The only thing I don't use this to remove is mascara because I don't need to but you could as long as you were gentle and careful not to use too much.

Tip #1

In summer and hot weather I suggest washing the olive oil off with a bit of cleanser before toning and moisturising because with some people in hot weather oils left on the skin can clog and congest the pores creating more problems. That being said I would recommend always using a little cleanser after using the oil to remove the make-up.

Tip #2

You can use basically any natural oil  I just use olive oil because it is pretty cheap (compared to other oils) and is easily accessible, other oils you can use include jojoba oil, coconut oil, avocado oil,  apricot kernel oil, sunflower oil,  almond oil.....but these oils would be more expensive to use so I do recommend olive oil, but if your skin isn't liking olive oil then jojoba would be a good choice or sunflower oil, personally I haven't tried sunflower oil but I don't see why it wouldn't work just as good.

Tip #3

Another alternative to use after the oil is make-up wipes, I don't do this anymore because one I haven't found a good natural make-up remover wipe and two if you are removing the make-up correctly with the oil it is usually a waste to use the wipes because the make-up should be gone and a natural cleanser would be better to follow the oil but to each their own.

Tip #4

Depending on how much make-up you're wearing you may have to do step 1 and 2 more than once.

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