Thursday 25 April 2013

My Opinion & Frustration with Natural Deodorants

I am a big believer in converting to natural deodorants WHY? because there are nasty ingredients being put into deodorants aluminium just being one of them, there are still other nasty ingredients in your deodorants. For the most part when you read an ingredient list of a deodorant, at least when I do, I can barley say most of the words, the two that I know are aluminium and fragrance, but just because I can say them doesn't mean they're nice, cause they're not! There are a lot of things that are said to be linked with aluminium deodorants, one example being breast cancer.
 I cannot say whether it does or not because I am no expert in any field relating to this subject but I know what I read and it doesn't look great. Bottom line is there are not nice ingredients in most "normal" deodorants, so why would I apply that to my skin let alone on my underarms where those chemicals can travel to my breasts? I would rather be safe then sorry, because I do believe those ingredients will cause harm and not just in the form of breast cancer.

The problem is that every natural deodorant I have come across sucks, it just does. Nobody wants to go around smelling bad or being so self conscious if they do or don't, it's a really horrible feeling.
Another problem, just because you're using a deodorant that says it's "natural" does not mean it is. Example a main ingredient I have seen in the bulk of "natural deodorants" is propylene glycol, a different nasty ingredient  that I do not intend to use. Crystal deodorants which contain alum, and there are many other ingredients that I have made the choice not to use because of possible negative effects on the body.

 So what can you do? you can lower you standards and  go for the "better" option, which doesn't mean it has the best ingredient list it just means it's the "lesser of the two evils", BUT that doesn't even mean you will find a deodorant that works for you.
It is hard, I have been searching for a natural deodorant for roughly over a year and I still haven't found one that works for me, granted I have higher ingredient standards.
So in my experiences with natural deodorants many have for the most part just mixed with the smell of body odour  and that's it, it hasn't masked or eliminated it, it's just joined it like they're having a little party or something. It sucks because as anyone who has looked or brought a "natural" deodorant would know, they aren't cheap, especially when you are constantly buying more and more, trying different formulas and looking for something to work for you, it's pricey and discouraging when you have searched through many to find the same disappointing outcome.

Let's say  something close to a miracle happens and you finally find a deodorant that works for you, that absolutely doesn't mean it will work for everyone, so reviews can help to an extent. If it works for the masses then it's worth giving a go.

 Hold on though, just because you are using a "natural" deodorant doesn't mean you can't have a reaction. There are people that are under the misconception that you can't be allergic to natural products, and that is 100% NOT TRUE!! Number one your "natural" deodorant might not be as natural as you think, number two people with sensitive skin will react to many things no matter what it's origin is, if something is too harsh for  your skin there may be a reaction and that could even be baking soda which is in natural deodorants but there have been many people that have experienced sensitivity or a reaction to it,  that doesn't mean that ingredient is bad, just as if you didn't receive a reaction from a nasty ingredient doesn't mean it's good. The way I look at it is, there are so many people who are allergic to peanuts; peanuts aren't unnatural!

I've even tried making my own deodorant, yes it was a pain in the butt and unfortunately the results were not successful enough, and truth be told it would be much better and easier just to be able to buy a good natural deodorant that works from the store. If you are bothered enough to experiment with different recipes from the web, make adjustments to the recipe, search and buy  the ingredients, etc and after all that you're successful that is AWESOME! but not everyone will want to do that or even receive successful results. I have taken a break from my natural deodorant experiments after they were both a lot of work and unsuccessful BUT I may have to try again.

I will update this post with some helpful links on ingredients in deodorants and other things relating to the topic in the upcoming days :)

If anyone has had luck with a natural deodorant, or a recipe please comment below and share your experience I would love to hear about it. 
If anyone would like a round-up of mini reviews/ experiences of ALL the natural deodorants I have tried please let me know :)


  1. I feel the same! After experiencing an allergic reaction to some of the aluminium based deodorants, I went for a natural one. I find it only helps on days when I don't sweat too much (not too hot, not exercising etc) but I still use the aluminium one for work. I ended up switching back :/

    1. Thanks for your comment sarah!! I also am very sensitive to normal deodorants, as well as some natural ones. It's really hard, I've tried at least 9 different natural deodorants with very little luck. It does suck that we have to make choice between our possible future health issues and smelling not so fresh now.

      If I find a natural deodorant that works I will make sure to shout it from the rooftops as well as write a post about it lol :)
