Thursday 28 March 2013

Longer Lashes & Thicker Brows Grown Naturally

So I heard Castor oil will make your eyelashes grow and because my lashes aren't as long as I would like I decided to give it a go. Last year I bought a very big bottle from iherb. I had been using jojoba oil and almond oil on my eyebrows and lashes before this and they actually had made my lashes grow a little and a bit more stronger. So I used the castor oil every night on my lashes  and brows and I wasn't sure if it would work because other oils had already made my lashes grow slightly so I thought that is all I I'll be getting but since using the castor oil my lashes have grown more and so have my brows, as for my brows they have always been kinda blah I wanted to thicken them a bit and in certain areas it was taking too long to grow but since using the castor oil my eyebrows have improved quite a lot, obviously I don't have these massive thick brows but they are better then before. The castor oil is thick and it is so cheap, the brand I bought is Now Foods Castor oil from

Now Solutions Castor Oil 

Results: Castor oil really does make my eyelashes and eyebrows grow! So what I have noticed is my eyelashes grew noticeable longer, fuller/ thicker, fall out less often as I have always had a problem with a lot of eyelashes falling out, of course eye lashes are supposed to fall out but I had more falling out at once than what would be normal. My lashes are glossier and look healthier and more "fluttery" after using castor oil.
I would say my eyebrow have grown in a little thicker and therefore are maybe a little darker because of that. It helped to grow in areas I was having trouble with.

How to Apply: So before I would go to bed I would get just a little on my finger and spread it through my eyebrows, don't use to much because castor oil is very thick. For my eyelashes I get a very, very small amount on my fingers and apple it at the root of the lashes (where you would apply liquid eyeliner) then cover the rest of the lashes with the castor oil, by running my lashes between my fingers. I also recently started doing my lower lashes too and I just apply a little amount on the lashes and root. TIP: do not apply too much because you don't want it to travel into your eye. You should use it every night and keep with it if you want to see results that last, like any lash growth product.

Anyway I 100% recommend this for anyone who wants better looking lashes but doesn't want eyelash extensions or buy expensive serums that are way over priced,  I suggest giving castor oil a go, it's cheap, easy to do and natural and in my opinion a better option.

For anyone's first purchase at you can use my referral code QUM327 to receive $5 off  an order under $40 and $10 off an order over $40.
If you use my code I do receive a small commission percentage of your orders.

Friday 8 March 2013

Review: Swisse Hand Wash with vitamin c and lemon myrtle

500ml bottle

My Overall thoughts on the hand wash:  Love it! It cleans your hands really well without completely stripping your hands of all it's natural oils and it's great you will notice a major difference in your hands softness. I have had major issues with dry hands (I have always suffered from dry hands but now I also get dermatitis on my hands so normal hand washes just make things so much worse), the other day we ran out of the Swisse hand wash and I used normal chemical ridden hand wash I could instantly feel my hands were stripped of the natural oils and therefore all the moisture. You don't need a lot to work which is great as it is already so expensive. The lemon mrytle is a NATURAL antibacterial which is the best kind, as chemical antibacterials used in normal hand washes have health dangers, I suggest reading and subscribing to his newsletters they are great! I love that it has vitamin C in it which helps to get rid of dead skin cells. I recommend this for anyone who is interested in using a natural hand wash that still kills bacteria in a natural way.

Swisse Hand Wash Thoughts Broken Down:

Sizes available: 250ml   RRP: $14.95
                         500ml    RRP: $24.95

My thoughts on the price: In one word ridiculous!!! Do I like this hand wash absolutely it works great! I understand natural and organic products have a higher price tag but sometimes I just think that natural and organic brands are just taking advantage of consumers who buy their products. I will NEVER pay $25 for 500ml of this or any hand wash for that matter! and never will I pay $15  for 250ml either (I bought the small one first last year to see if I liked it for around $13- never again, it's a rip off! so I  did pay the equivalent value of the 500ml; stupid me never again!) I have bought the 500ml soap 3 times and I have payed $10 twice and once for $15, and I wan't happy with the $15 either, so I suggest if you are interested in trying this wait for a special, I found them on special at chemist warehouse but priceline sometimes has them cheaper too, unless the price doesn't bother you. I think the price isn't fair to be honest especially if you are buying this for the whole family to use, it wont last that long and most families are on a budget so I think it would be so hard for families that want to go natural to buy this.

For the Ingredient List  and  more information I suggest checking out the Swisse Website

I will update this post with a full list of ingredients as I think the website doesn't display the whole list, I'm not 100% sure though.
My thoughts on the ingredients:
I am quite happy with the ingredients listed, I don't see anything that I try to avoid (mineral oil, petrochemicals, parabens, PEGS, synthetic fragrance, nano sized particles, SLS, propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, etc). I try to avoid grapefruit seed extract though and this does contain Citrus paradisi (grapefruit) peel essential oil, which to be honest I am unsure if it has the same possible negative effects as grapefruit extract, It's something I have to look into. 

Scent: Not my favourite, it smells very lemony (from the lemon mrytle obviously) and personally I don't like citrus smells and I am very, very, very fussy with smells, there aren't a lot that I like so it's a personal thing. I've gotten use to it, it's not horrible or unbearable, it's just not for me, though it is a noticeable smell it isn't really overpowering and you don't smell it after your done washing your hands unless you decide to smell your hands so it isn't a turn off from buying the product, for me.

My recommended  use: First wet your hands then use about half a pump or less of the soap, you only need a little (you don't need a full pump! it's just a waste) massage that all over your hands, at this point it wont be lathering you need to add more water to your hands then turn off the faucet (no need to waste water) while you lather up the soap in your hands, massage for 10- 20 seconds (longer if you can be bothered) then rinse. I found this is the best way to use the soap :)

If you have any questions or comments about this product feel free to comment :)